Setting up Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 7.1 Gutsy

For setting up ruby, rails and mysql used the following link.
Rails on Ubuntu
Note that the rails version installed will be 2.0.2. If you are using 1.x version you will have to make changes to the code. That's what I will be doing next. I was using 1.2.x that came with Instant Rails on Windows
Openssl lib

I had to install libopenssl-ruby. Instructions are provided in the above link, otherwise when you start the web server it will through error and come out.

By default Webrick comes with rails. Mongrel can be installed using
sudo gem install mongrel -y
Once mongrel is installed it becomes the default webserver.
Netbeans IDE
After reading through couple of blogs I choose netbeans(6.1 beta) as the IDE. At work I use My Eclipse and it used to take considerable amount of memory. A month back I tried netbeans on a 700 MHz 512 MB laptop and I felt it consumes less resources. Base install of Netbeans is a 24 MB download. I downloaded JavaSE base and included Ruby using updater. I had to install packages sun-java6-bin, sun-java6-jdk before I could install Netbeans.
Installing Rmagick.

Ramgick requires ImageMagick 6.3.0 or higher. So I had to download source for ImageMagick 6.3.2 and build it before I can install rmagick. Followed the instructions provided at Setting up rmagick on Ubuntu