Algorithm links

One of my friends was asking for resources on algorithms and here is the quick one compiled. These are the web resources apart from Art of Computer Progimming books by Donald Knuth

Peteris Krumins while preparing for google interview goes through the book Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen (Author), Charles E. Leiserson (Author), Ronald L. Rivest (Author), Clifford Stein (Author). Has a video of the class room and notes prepared by Peteris. As this is the blog last episode will show up first go to the last page to start from the beginning. MIT Lecture video's are good and notes help too..
Good Coder code, great use - Algorithm notes

Sorting Algorithms

Wiki link on sorting algorithms. Explanation on comparing algorithms and link to detail explanation of popular algorithms as well as some new algorithms that may not be there in the text books.

Wiki Sorting Algorithms

Searching Algorithms
Wiki link on Search Algorithms
Search Algorithms Lecture Notes from Christian Schindelauer
Skiena's Algorithms Lectures

Binary Trees
Wiki article on Binary Tree
Self Balancing Trees Red Black Tree
AVL Trees