Blogging Tools and Widgets Statistics Part 2

I continued my work on finding out what people use on their blogs. This time I wanted to represent the facts better and came out with cloud after visiting around 25 blogs. I have setup 2 alerts on google blog search. I used the blogs that showed up in the alerts. So these should be the active blogs. Top three are

  1. Technorati - It includes display of technorati badge or, technorati favorite this icon, or displaying technorati profile or technorati search box.
  2. Feeburner - Is the top choice when it comes to managing the feeds. Either people do not give option subscribe explicitly or use feedburner. Rarely I came across any other option. Most of the people use the big feed icon instead of the feedburner chiklet or other widgets provided by feedburner.
  3. Adsense - Google Adsense is the preferred advertising program.
When it comes blog publishing tool top three are
  1. Wordpress - Users quote availability of large number of themes, comment spam mangement tool Akismet and large developer community.
  2. Typepad - Typad comes next to wordpress
  3. blogger - I feel that the blogs published on blogger are no that active blogs. As the basis for selecting blogs was the alerts, only active blogs were selected. Even though blogger might be hosting a large number of blogs only few might be actively posting or optimized for the search (?)
Outcome of the study as cloud.